Yellow Heart

Need Urgent Support?

Visit our helpline page

Contact a Peer

we are here when you need us most

We need some basic details in order to be able to make contact with you.

    Ensure you have permission of the person you are referring before submitting the form.

    This will help to allocate a Peer Support Volunteer from a similar role.

    This will help to allocate a Peer Support Volunteer from a similar role.

    If you would like a receipt sent to your email address, please add here.

    You will receive a text confirmation of you request.

    The only reason we ask for your organisation is to ensure that you speak to someone from outside of it. You will not speak to someone you know unless you ask in the info box at the end of the form.

    This is so we can allocate a peer from another base.

    Requesting help within 12 hours. If you are due at work within this time, you should declare yourself unfit for work to your employer. We cannot always guarantee a response to your request within a 12 hour period. We will however respond as soon as possible and within 24 hours.

    If you are contacting due to concerns about a third party please enter your details in this form.

    I am happy to provide feedback based on my experience with Talk to a Peer.

    I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my enquiry.

    Confused Man

    Need Urgent Support?

    If you are in immediate psychological or suicidal crisis you should contact you local emergency service number. The most largely used worldwide number is 112.







    For suicide support within the UK you can call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans or Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line.

    For other supportive organisations, visit our resources page.